!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Configuration File for MetRec V5.0 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AutoConfiguration = yes ! Set some parameters to default values: ! SaveSingleFrames = no ! SaveMeteorBand = yes ! SaveSumImage = yes ! SaveMeteorData = yes ! TracingImage = yyyymmdd.bmp ! AutoSubDirectory = yes ! FileNameRule = 2 ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes ! CreatePosDatEntry = yes ! PosDatHeaderFile = mmddhead.dbf ! PosDatDataFile = mmdddata.dbf ! [yes, no; default: yes] ULWindowContent = W ! Content of the upper left, upper right, URWindowContent = B ! lower left and lower right MetRec window: LLWindowContent = M ! W = raw image LRWindowContent = L ! X = raw image & blinking stars ! I = mean subtracted image ! R = regions of interest ! S = sensitivity image ! A = background image ! F = flatfield ! M = last meteor image (applicable if SaveSumImage = yes) ! P = meteor plot (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! L = last meteor plot (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! C = coordinate grid (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! B = backward tracing plots (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! 1..9 = backward tracing plot 1-9 (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) FrameGrabberType = 2 ! Type of your Matrox Framegrabber: ! 1 = Meteor I ! 2 = Meteor II ! [1..2] FrameGrabberDeviceNumber = 1 ! Device Number of your Matrox framegrabber ! 0 = Default ! 1..4 = device 1..4 ! [0..4, default: 0] VideoSignalType = PAL ! Type of the video signal: PAL or NTSC ! [PAL, NTSC] TimeBase = 1 ! What time base shall be used: ! 1 = current time (as determined from the computer clock) ! 2 = video clock (recognize a clock that is superimposed to the video image) ! 3 = video tape time (start time of the tape plus run time of MetRec) ! [1..3] VideoClockOffset = 0 0 0 ! Offset of the video clock at start time ! (h m s - in case the clock was not properly ! synchronized). ! (applicable if TimeBase = 2) ! [0..23 0..59 0..59] VideoTapeStartTime = 0 0 0 ! Start time of the video tape (h m s). ! (applicable if TimeBase = 3) ! [0..23 0..59 0..59] TimeDriftCorrection = 0 ! How many seconds per hour needs the time ! be corrected to match the drift of the ! computer clock or video tape? ! [-60...60] TimeZoneCorrection = -1 ! Correction of the computer clock in hours. ! [0..23] DSTCorrection = yes ! The TimeZoneCorrection entry will be reduced ! by one during daylight saving time. ! [yes, no] DateBase = 1 ! What start date shall be used: ! 1 = current date (as determined from ! the computer clock) ! 2 = video clock (recognize a clock that ! is superimposed to the video image) ! 3 = video tape date (start date of the ! tape) ! [1..3] VideoTapeStartDate = 1 1 2000 ! Start date of the video tape (d m y). ! (applicable if DateBase = 3) ! [1..31 1..12 1951..2050] DateCorrection = yes ! The date for file and directory names ! will be corrected by -1 day if the ! observation started between midnight and ! midday (important for European observers) ! [yes, no] VideoClockXPosition = 15 33 51 69 88 106 197 215 233 251 270 288 324 342 VideoClockYPosition = 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 ! X and Y position of the superimposed clock ! digits. (applicable if TimeBase = 2 or ! DateBase = 2) RecognitionEndTime = 7 0 0 ! End time of recognition. ! [0..23 0..59 0..59] AutoRestart = no ! Shall MetRec suspend the observation at ! the end time and restart at the next evening? ! [yes, no] AutoRenameLogfile = yes ! Shall the logfile be renamed at observation ! restart? ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes, ! AutoRestart = yes and Logfile ! name = yyyymmdd.log) ! [yes, no] RecognitionRestartTime = 16 0 0 ! Restart time of recognition. ! (applicable if AutoRestart = yes) ! [0..23 0..59 0..59] QuitBehaviour = 1 ! How shall MetRec be finished: ! 0 = quit with confirmation ! 1 = quit without confirmation ! 2 = quit and shutdown without confirmation ! (applicable if AutoRestart = no) ! [0..2, default: 0] MaximumSolarAltitude = -12 ! Maximum altitude of the Sun, at which the ! recognition is forced to end ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [-18..0] WaitForDusk = yes ! Shall MetRec wait until the Sun has reached ! at least the specified altitude? ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [yes, no] MinimumLunarDistance = 0 ! Minimum distance of the Moon from the center ! of field of view. MetRec will not start if ! it the distance becomes smaller during the ! observation ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [0..90] DelayTime = 0 ! Delay in ms after each frame grab to ! reduce the frame rate. ! [0..999, default: 0] FrameBufferCount = 300 ! Number of internal buffers allocated for the ! frame ring buffer. For each buffer an amount ! of 440/308 kB if it is set to max required. ! [25..300, default: 300] DisplayRefreshRate = 1 ! Defines, after how many frames the ! display is refreshed. Increase this ! number to achieve higher performance. ! [1..100] InternalResolution = max ! At what resolution shall MetRec run ! internally? ! [full, max, default: full] MeteorElongation = 1 ! Defines, whether meteor are mainly point- ! like (0), slightly elongated (1), or ! strongly elongated (2) objects. ! [0..2; default: 2] FlatFieldExponent = 2.0 ! Exponent for the flatfield computation. ! [1.5..2.5; default 2.0] FlatFieldOffset = 0 ! Absolute offset for the flatfield ! computation. ! [-50..50; default 0] StartThreshold = 1.5 ! Start threshold for meteor detection. ! [0.1..10] ConstantThreshold = no ! Shall the recognition threshold be kept ! constant? ! [yes, no; default: no] RecognitionThreshold = 0.9 ! Given the current maximum noise value x, ! the threshold for meteor detection converges ! towards RecognitionThreshold * x. ! (applicable if ConstantThreshold = no) ! [0.1..10.0; default: below 1.0] FloorThreshold = 0.5 ! Minimum threshold for meteor detection. ! (applicable if ConstantThreshold = no) ! [0.1..10.0; default: 0.5] ThresholdHistory = metrec.thr ! Development of the recognition threshold ! to be saved when leaving MetRec. ! (applicable if ConstantThreshold = no) ! [filename] FlashThreshold = 12 ! Minimum number of pixel clusters exceeding ! the recognition threshold, at which a flash ! and not a meteor is detected. Set it to ! zero to deactivate flash detection. ! [0, 2..20; default 5] FlashRecoveryFrameCount = 100 ! Number of frames that are ignored after a ! flash was detected. ! [0..300; default 50] SaveFlashImage = no ! Shall the video frame with the flash be ! saved? ! [yes, no; default: no] SaveBackgroundRate = 0 ! Defines, after how many minutes a background ! image shall be saved (0 = never). ! [0..1439; default 0] MinimumFrameCount = 3 ! Minimum number of frames exceeding the meteor ! detection threshold before a meteor is ! reported. MinimumFrameCount is automatically ! set to 1 if StopDetectionOnSave is yes. ! [1..5; default: 3] Beep = yes ! Beep if a meteor is detected? ! [yes, no] SendSerialPing = no ! Shall information be sent to the serial port? ! [yes, no] SerialPingPort = 2 ! Serial port to which the information shall be ! sent. ! (applicable if SendSerialPing = yes) ! [1..4] SerialPingType = BF ! Which information shall be send: ! A - alive ping every 10s ! B - ping at begin of meteor ! E - ping at end of meteor ! F - ping at flash ! I - detailed information at end of meteor ! (applicable if SendSerialPing = yes) ! [ABEFI] FrameSize = 70 ! Apparent vertical size of a video frame in ! degree. Give not the size of the visible ! fov of your camera, but the size of the ! whole video frame along the y axis. ! [3..180] PositionAngleOffset = 0 ! Offset for the computed position angle of ! meteors. If the offset is 0, the angle is ! given in the mathematical sense, i.e. 0 deg ! along the positive x-axis and 90 deg along ! the positive y-axis. ! [0..359; default 0] UseInputMask = no ! Using a mask for the frame grabber input? ! [yes, no; default: yes] InputMask = dummy.bmp ! An uncompressed b/w BMP-File (384*288 pixel) ! used to mask the frame grabber input. ! (applicable if UseInputMask = yes) ! [filename] UseOldFlatField = no ! Using the flatfield from a previous ! meteor recognition for initialization? ! [yes, no; default: no] OldFlatField = metrec.ffd ! Old flatfield to load for initialization. ! (applicable if UseOldFlatfield = yes) ! [filename] NewFlatField = metrec.ffd ! New flatfield to be saved when quitting. ! [filename] FlatFieldFlooring = 10 ! Minimum value for the flatfield. ! [0..99; default 10] FlatFieldSmooth = 2 ! How strong shall the flatfield be smoothed? ! Choose a higher value if you have strong ! pixel jitter. ! [0..5; default 2] FlatFieldSmoothDirection = 0 ! Direction in which the flatfield is smoothed. ! If your camera is not guided, choose the ! direction of star drift. ! 0 = symmetric smoothing, 1 = smooting up ! 2 = smoothing up right, 3 = smoothing right ! 4 = smoothing down right, 5 = smoothing down ! 6 = smoothing down left, 7 = smoothing left ! 8 = smoothing up left ! [0..8] SensitivityImage = metrec.bmp ! Sensitivity image when MetRec is left. ! [filename] TracingImage = metrad.bmp ! Backward tracing image when MetRec is ! left. ! [filename] TimeStamp = 2 ! Shall a time stamp be written to each ! single frame, sum image and flash? ! 0 = no time stamp ! 1 = only time ! 2 = date & time ! [0..2] TimeStampXPosition = 384 ! X and Y position of the time stamp. TimeStampYPosition = 288 ! (applicable if TimeStamp = yes) ! [0..384][0..288] SaveSingleFrames = yes ! Shall the video frames be saved if a meteor ! is detected? ! [yes, no, first; default: no] SaveMeteorBand = yes ! Shall the image bands containing the meteor ! be saved? ! [yes, no; default: yes] SaveSumImage = yes ! Shall a sum image of the meteor be computed ! and saved? ! [yes, no: default: yes] SavePreFrameCount = 10 ! How many frames shall be saved before the ! first frame on which the meteor is detected? ! (applicable if SaveSingleFrames = yes or ! SaveSumImage = yes) ! [0..10; default 3] SavePostFrameCount = 10 ! How many frames shall be saved after the ! last frame on which the meteor was detected? ! (applicable if SaveSingleFrames = yes or ! SaveSumImage = yes) ! [0..10; default 3] BaseDirectory = data ! Directory (relative or absolute name) in ! which the images are stored. ! [dirname] AutoSubDirectory = yes ! Shall subdirectories for each night be ! automatically created? ! [yes, no; default: yes] FileNameRule = 2 ! Which name shall the images get? ! 1 = meNNN.bmp and meNNN_FF.bmp ! 2 = HHMMSS.bmp and HHMMSSFF.bmp ! with NNN - meteor number ! HHMMSS - appearance time ! FF - frame number ! (applicable if SaveSingleFrames = yes or ! SaveSumImage = yes) ! [1..2; default: 2] ClockSync = yes ! Shall the computer clock be synchronized ! with an external DCF-77 clock? ! [yes, no] ClockType = 2 ! Type of the external DCF-77 clock? ! 1 = Conrad DCF Clock ! 2 = Hopf ClockMouse ! (applicable if ClockSync = yes) ! [1..2] ClockSyncRate = 30 ! Defines, after how many minutes the internal ! clock is synchronized (0 = only at startup). ! (applicable if ClockSync = yes) ! [0..1439; default 0] ClockSyncPort = 1 ! Serial port where the DCF clock is installed. ! (applicable if ClockSync = yes) ! [1..4] EquatorialCoordinates = yes ! Shall the x-y-coordinates be converted ! to right ascension and declination, the ! brightness be computed, and the meteor shower ! be determined? ! [yes, no; default: yes] SaveMeteorData = yes ! Shall detailed position data of each meteor ! be saved for orbit calculation from double ! station observations? ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes, ! SaveSumImage = yes and SaveSingleFrames or ! SaveMeteorBand = yes) ! [yes, no; default: yes] ReferenceStars = 20100809.ref ! File with reference star coordinates. ! (applicable if EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [filename] MaximumMeteorTilt = 0 ! Maximum tilt (in ø) of a meteor trail. ! If the backward prolongation of a meteor ! still misses the radiant area of a given ! diameter, the meteor does not belong to ! this shower. (applicable if ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [0..10; default: 0] MaximumMeteorShift = 0 ! Maximum shift (in ø) of a meteor trail. ! If the backward prolongation of a meteor ! still misses the radiant area of a given ! diameter, the meteor does not belong to ! this shower. (applicable if ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [0..10; default: 0] CreateIAPLogfile = no ! Shall another logfile in the IAP format ! be created? ! [yes, no; default: no] CreatePosDatEntry = yes ! Shall an PosDat entry for each meteor be ! created? (applicable if ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [yes, no; default: yes] PosDatHeaderFile = 0101head.dbf ! Name of PosDat header file. (applicable if ! CreatePosDatEntry = yes and ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [filename; default: mmddhead.dbf] PosDatDataFile = 0101data.dbf ! Name of PosDat data file. (applicable if ! CreatePosDatEntry = yes and ! EquatorialCoordinates = yes) ! [filename; default: mmdddata.dbf]